Wednesday, April 25, 2018

2nd Floor Carpet Project

This summer the 2nd Floor of ID Weeks will be getting new carpet. The project is set to begin on May 7th and has a tentative end date of July 2nd.

2nd Floor will be closed to the public for the duration of the project. 3rd Floor will be fully accessible. If materials on 2nd are requested, both Circulation and Interlibrary Loan staff and students will have limited access to retrieve items, depending on where the stacks are being moved.

Offices on the west side of the building will be carpeted between May 7th and May 18th. Staff and faculty will be able to move back into their offices on May 21st. For those two weeks (May 7th – 21st) people will be moved to the following locations…

Interlibrary Loan – Room 134A (Presentation Center)
David Alexander – Room 134A (Presentation Center)
Sheryl Smith – Room 130H (Tech Services)

Oral History and Government documents will remain on 2nd Floor.   Access to Oral History is by appointment only.

All staff should have email and phone access.

We will be posting updates as the project progresses.