Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Trial - LibKey

University Libraries will be running a trial for LibKey until May 14.

LibKey is a suite of products designed to connect users to the full text available to them in fewer clicks, including articles found in the library catalog and publishers' websites. As you search for literature in select databases (e.g., PubMed) or the library catalog, you will notice faster access to full-text links. The LibKey Suite consists of four products:
•    LibKey Discovery is an API that is integrated into a library management system. (This feature is not currently turned on for the trial.)
•    LibKey Link links to full text from publisher and aggregator sources
•    LibKey Nomad is a browser extension active at sites researchers visit, including publisher pages, PubMed, Google, etc.). Download the LibKey Nomad browser extension on your desktop or laptop
• is a single search box that allows users to search by DOI or PMID.

LibKey Suite integrates the Unpaywall Open Access database, expanding the library collection to link to most Open Access (OA) content. LibKey has also partnered with Retraction Watch, so it can inform users at the point of article linking about the retraction status of an article before they link to it.

LibKey also provides access to BrowZine. BrowZine is a web or mobile application that allows users to browse, read, and monitor journals available through the University Libraries.

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