Showing posts with label renovations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label renovations. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Under construction - 1st and 2nd Floor Bathrooms

Between May 6th and August 16th, the front restrooms on 1st Floor and the restrooms on 2nd Floor will be closed for renovation. During that time they will not be accessible.

On May 15, the water will be shut off to the building between 7am - 11am.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  


Monday, July 19, 2021

Temporary Closure of Archives and Special Collections

Archives and Special Collections will be closed for renovation/expansion from May 14th, 2021- Jan 01, 2022. Patron services will be limited.

If you need additional information please contact the Archives at  

Monday, April 26, 2021

Library Renovations - 2nd and 3rd Floor

Many of you have noticed that the upper floors of the library have changed a lot over the past few months. This is especially noticeable on 2nd Floor where almost a quarter of the 3rd Floor collection had to be moved downstairs. Starting May 10th, an extensive series of renovations will be beginning across the library. Normally we would do book shifting, shelf building, etc. during the summer to minimize disruption, but due to the timeline, we have had to work through the Spring semester.

Part of this project has included the relocation of about half a dozen tables on 2nd Floor. Their locations - and much of the furniture arrangements - are temporary and part of a larger project that will include updated seating and study options on both 2nd and 3rd Floor. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes as we head into Finals and ask for your understanding as we work to meet renovation deadlines.   

Thursday, March 4, 2021

The I.D Weeks and Wegner Libraries both updated their classrooms


I.D. Weeks Library active learning classroom. New “Chevron Verb” tables were added. New TV mounts, and an Apple TV are coming. Right now, everything is socially distanced; note the chairs stacked at the front of the room.


Wegner Library’s new Mary D. Nettleman classroom.


New Signage

USD Sanford School of Medicine faculty and students will use the new Wegner Library classroom for lectures and collaborative learning.   

Wegner Library Renovation

In 2018, the Wegner Library Board of Directors approved a substantial renovation of the Wegner Library. Features of the renovation include:

• A new classroom: The Mary D. Nettleman M.D., M.S., M.A.C.P. classroom will provide USD Sanford School of Medicine faculty and students with a large classroom for both lectures and collaborative learning. The classroom will serve as a study or event space when not in use for classes.
• Traditional and contemporary study areas throughout the building, which include new furniture.
• A welcoming and user-friendly information and research help desk.
• Lockers available for checkout
• A treadmill desk

The open, light, and inviting character of the building was retained while replacing the book stacks with a classroom and introducing a vestibule that will soften the sound of students entering and exiting the library for classes. The renovation includes high-density mobile stacks that are located in the basement of the Health Sciences Center. High-use items and collections will remain in the library. The library’s permanent collection of books and journals in storage are available to students and faculty upon request.


The effects of social distancing: stacked chairs in the I.D. Weeks Library. Chairs were removed from tables all through the building.